3. Target
Definition: Everyone is vulnerable to something, find his
Achilles heel
Everyone is vulnerable to something - No matter how
tough someone appears to be they have a weakness whether it is physical, mental
or emotional. Physically – know your targets; eyes, nose, jaw, chin, temple,
throat, solar plexus, abdomen, groin. Any part of the body can be hurt if it is
hit with enough power especially if there’s no time to defend.
Find his Achilles Heel - Mentally your opponent might
be stupid, ill-educated, or gullible making him easy to trick. Emotionally you
can find his weakness by insulting or threatening those he cares about. Sun Tzu
and Musashi both recommended that you target an opponent emotionally by
insulting his family or threatening his children. Remember also that your enemies
will try this on you. Never let your emotions be used against you, be as
inscrutable as a sphinx.
In assisting others don’t let them step into vulnerable
situations; counsel them in the face of insults or demoralisation. Keep them
from reacting emotionally.
Thank you for reading
Tony Higo
Chief Instructor
AEGIS Martial Arts System
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