Tuesday, 4 January 2011

The 5 'Uns' of Martial Arts

I have studied and benefited from the martial arts for many many years. The study and practice has kept me fit, kept me sane and kept me challenged and provides me with my full-time profession so I feel fully qualified to express my opinion of what is both right and wrong with the ‘way’.

I have categorised my problems with martial arts study into 5 key areas which I feel are the main problems with the martial arts industry; the problems that prevent us from being recognised as potentially one of the most valuable of pursuits and lifestyles of every nation. I have identified these problems as 'Uns' which mean that they are the things that we are not doing as in 'un - qualified'

The study and proper practice of the martial arts can solve huge problems that exist within society today. However owing to the method of promulgation, teaching and the mindset of those who are currently most influential in the martial arts world, means that we can not solve even our own problems never mind the problems of a troubled nation.

In the next few days I will outline what I feel is holding the martial arts industry back in terms of its potential benefit to both the individual and the society we live in. If more people studied the martial arts with an holistic and practical approach we would have little use for a police force and the police force we have could spend its time on more serious problems elsewhere.

Look out for my blogs over the next few days to find out what I consider to be the biggest problems with the martial arts industry and perhaps we can work together to solve them

Speak to you very soon

Tony Higo
National Martial Arts College
0800 0920948

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